An innovative way to advise to 30-somethings

Date: 03 October 2016


Netwealth's February '16 educational webinar focused on how to create innovative strategies to better engage and advise 30-somethings.

The 30-something demographic is a really interesting one - it straddles the division between Gen X and Gen Y, and according to research the share of financial assets held by generations X and Y will grow significantly in the future – some say to as much as 70% by 2030.

Although older generations will ultimately pass on much of their accumulated wealth, this may not help younger generations immediately as it is expected the transfer of wealth may not come for 10-12 years.

Characteristics of these younger generations are that they are early to embrace technology, and prefer to manage their own finances online. They are typically wise beyond their years when it comes to saving for their financial futures, but the majority will still need some help figuring out what to do with their money, as they’re not confident in their savings strategies

And that's why it's time to come up with some new strategies to engage them and help them prepare for the future.

Steve Crawford from Experience Wealth and Your Spending Coach presented his strategies for advising clients in the 30-something bracket. You can catch up on the webinar content below.


1. Webinar recording


2. Webinar slides


This webinar is part of a monthly series. Stay tuned for an invitation to next month's webinar. If you are not receiving invitations to Netwealth's monthly educational webinar series, please contact us to subscribe to the relevant updates.