Netwealth Innovation Cards

A simple to use toolset to spark creativity and collaboration. 

Download the pack

Innovation can start with a spark

The Netwealth Innovation Cards is a deck of 35 cards containing bite-sized innovation challenges to help you and your team unleash its inner creative genius. 

Working with some of Australia’s best innovators, we have designed these cards to get you inspired, challenge the status quo and take creative risks in a collaborative team environment.


How to use the cards

Step 1: Place all the Innovation Cards face down on the table. 

Step 2: Flip a card over one at a time and read it to the team. 

Step 3: For each card, come up with loads of ideas. Write the ideas on post-it notes. If a card doesn’t inspire ideas, move on to another card. 

Step 4: Go around the table sharing your ideas one at a time. Add to existing ideas. 

Step 5: Stick post-its to the wall, grouping like ideas together. 

Step 6: As a group pick the best ideas to work on in the next 3-6 months. Select a champion for the ideas. 


What you will need

  • Netwealth Innovation Cards

  • Post-it notes, Markers, Blu-Tack 

  • Meeting room with plenty of wall space 

  • At least 1 hour to innovate


Getting started

Complete the form below to get your free deck of innovation cards.

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to get your free pack.


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This card deck is our first release, and we’d love to hear your feedback. What do you like about it? What do you wish was different? Any new ideas? Do you use it at work? Why or why not?

Contact us

Additional resources and tools

Use these tools, workshops and resources to help you explore and uncover different methods for creative problem solving, collaborative team thinking to arrive at innovative, impactful solutions.

Innovation Cards

The Netwealth Innovation Cards is a deck of 35 cards containing bite-sized innovation challenges to help you and your team unleash its inner creative genius.

Download the pack

Prioritisation Matrix Poster

When you have lots of ideas how do you prioritise them? Using this simple tool you can, by plotting them on our 2x2 prioritisation matrix.

Download the poster

Customer Journey Map Workshop

Use this workshop to identify the pain points in your customer’s experience with you and develop innovation solutions to address them.

Download the toolkit

2020 AdviceTech Report

Use this report to benchmark your business' adoption of technology against other advice firms, across 24 of the most commonly used technologies.

Read the report

Perspectives: What is innovation?

Hear leading advice practice owners discuss their views on what innovation means and the strategies they have implemented in their business.

Watch the videos

Saints or Sinners

Think like Amazon and Netflix and improve your customer experience. Get your team together for 60 minutes to have some fun and identify some quick wins to remove customer friction.

Download the toolkit

AdviceTech Roadmap Workshop

Activities and tools to help you prioritise and develop an AdviceTech roadmap for your business.

Download the toolkit

Removing customer friction guide

This guide explores what customer friction is, how it can occur in the financial advice process and what you can do to help overcome and prevent it.

Download now


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