Outside the super square
2019 Netwealth national adviser roadshow.
Download the technical guideIn March 2019 we toured Australia with Challenger and Invesco Consulting to present superannuation, retirement and communication strategies to over 650 advisers.
Discover some of the different thinking that was shared from the event.
Netwealth's head of technical services, Keat Chew, shared four alternative super strategies, that go beyond transfer balance issues, to remind the industry that there is more to super than implementing the recent changes.
These included:
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Article: Four light bulb strategies for super
Explore strategies to capitalise on the first home owners super saving scheme (FHSSS), the small business CGT concessions (SBCGT) and the additional “death taxes” that may be created by insurance payouts in super.
Video: What is the key role for advisers around small business CGT rules? Keat Chew shares what advisers should be doing to minimise the CGT and get the maximum amount into Super when their client is selling their small business. Click the image to watch |
This guide explores four alternative super strategies, to get you thinking differently about superannuation.
Steps to assess if a small business owner can benefit from the CGT exemptions and contribute to super.
Four strategic areas to implement for your clients to take advantage of the new super legislation.
Ahead of upcoming legislative changes on 1 July 2019, Challenger discussed challenges, opportunities and strategies for your clients presented by the following legislated and proposed changes:
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Article: Legislative changes to impact retirement streams
Advisers helping clients develop solutions for retirement income will be able to deploy “new tools from their kitbag” due to changes to the means testing of lifetime income streams.
New means testing rules for lifetime income streams rules are now legislated. Learn more.
Challenger has a a range of valuable aged care and retirement incomes resources.
Based on Invesco Consulting's 6-month study which included adviser interviews, investor dial-sessions and a survey of 1,000 investors, their Priceless Toolbox aims to give you a better understanding of:
Article: Redefining the client relationship through language
Invesco Consulting have identified three distinct cries that clients expect help with from the financial adviser. Explore how using the right language can help.
Looking beyond 2020, our technical services head Keat Chew said advisers should consider the prospect of small tax increases on superannuation earnings and lump sum payments.
The $1.6 million Transfer Balance Cap, which came into effect on 1 July 2017, has ripple effects on estate planning and death benefits. Find out what you need to know.
Months on from the super changes, Netwealth’s Head of Technical Services Keat Chew shines the light on what advisers are talking to him about. Find out what the issues and his tips.
Keat Chew, Netwealth's Head of Technical Services, has been assisting advisers with the super legislation changes, and we've collated some of the commonly asked questions he's received.
This rapidly evolving financial advice industry gives you a chance to do things differently – whether it be enhancing efficiency via new technology, re-evaluating a business proposition, or revisiting a current business structure.
We’ve developed a suite of resources to help you navigate this changing landscape – our Change/Chance Series. This selection of guides and articles delve into topics that are front of mind for advisers, now.
How to build your value proposition
Learn how to clearly and succinctly articulate the reasons clients should engage your services or invest in the products you recommend.
Best interest duty & platform advice
Explore why you need to look beyond price to meet your client needs and legal obligations when it comes to platform selection.
Managed accounts during volatility & beyond
Learn from four wealth professionals how managed accounts can enhance your client value proposition during volatile times and beyond.
How to attract & retain high new worth clients
Explore seven strategies to evolve your service offering and attract more high net worth individuals as clients.
Your own AFSL - What you need to know
Understand the benefits, challenges and tips for businesses looking to self-licence, and how to apply for your own AFSL.
How to choose the right dealer group
Identify the key criteria for assessing which dealer group you should join, and why price should be the least important factor.
We would love an opportunity to chat. You can contact us on 1800 888 223, or email us at contact@netwealth.com.au.