Portfolio charts

View and analyse account holdings through reports and charts.


Portfolio charts

This guide is for investors. 

Netwealth's online portfolio tools provide annuity, super and investment account holders the ability to view and analyse their accounts and holdings. There are three Portfolio tools available:

  • Dashboard
  • Holdings
  • Charts

In this module we will cover the features available on the charts tab. 


Portfolio charts

You’ll see the Portfolio dashboard when you log in.  From there, you can access the Holdings and Charts Tab. Click on charts.

a) Select the account you wish to view using the drop-down account selector.
b) Select a chart by clicking on the drop-down menu above the chart. There are three charts to choose from, including Asset allocation, Rate of return an Inflow/outflow.

Chart 1. Asset allocation

View the asset allocation for the selected account and how it has changed on a monthly basis over the past 12 months.  You can toggle between two different views:

  • Actual: Uses the managed fund asset classes for reporting. 
  • Underlying: Provides the underlying asset classes based on the real holdings within the managed funds. This could include a range of asset classes including Australian and international shares, fixed income, property and cash.

To view a specific month and asset class allocation, select it from the chart.


Chart 2: Rate of return

View the rate of return since inception of the selected account, based on the calculation of $1,000 invested at inception.

To view a specific year’s return, select it from the chart.


Chart 3: Inflow/outflow

View inflows and outflows by type for the selected account for the previous 12-month period, in addition to the monthly account balance. To view a specific month’s portfolio balance or inflow/outflow amount, select it from the chart.


Frequently Asked Questions

Try running one of the following reports. Adviser reports: • Asset performance by asset (since inception) Learn more Client reports: • Asset performance – detail (specify any date range) • Portfolio performance (since inception to selected end date) Learn more

The calculation of returns within Netwealth’s asset performance and portfolio performance reports are calculated based on a money-weighted ‘Internal Rate of Return’ methodology.