BlackRock GSS Index & ESG Screened Managed Account Models


The BlackRock GSS Diversified Index Models utilise a suite of managed index models with a focus on strategic asset allocation across multiple asset classes utilising underlying managed funds, and cash. These models employ passive investment strategies and the capital markets and strategic asset allocation are formally reviewed annually.

BlackRock GSS ESG Screened Models benefit from an expanded range of model portfolios that invest in ESG funds and ETFs. Employing passive ESG screened investment strategies, these models provide a diversified exposure to all standard asset classes investing in managed funds, ASX-listed ETFs, and cash. The capital markets views and strategic asset allocation are formally reviewed annually.


Managed Account PDS Part 2

BlackRock GSS Managed Models Booklet


Monthly Performance Update

GSS Index - Monthly Model Factsheets

GSS ESG Screened - Monthly Model Factsheets

Quarterly report 

GSS Index - Quarterly Models Report (as at Dec 2024)

Annual asset allocation review 

The strategic asset allocation (‘SAA’) of the GSS Index Managed Models & ESG Screen Models are reviewed annually. As a result, the models may be re-balanced to reflect the updated strategic asset allocation.

GSS Index - Annual reweight (as at April 2024)

GSS ESG Screened - Annual reweight (as at April 2024)

General information only

This webpage describes the BlackRock Global Specialist Series Managed Models (‘BlackRock GSS Managed Models’) for which Netwealth has appointed BlackRock Investment Management (Australia) Limited (ABN 13 006 165 975, AFS Licence No. 230523) (‘BlackRock’) as the Model Manager.

The information provided on this webpage is general information only and is not intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. This information does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the information is appropriate for you in light of your personal objectives, financial situation and needs, and you should consider consulting a financial adviser before making a decision about whether to invest in the Managed Account or any of the Managed Models.

This webpage has been prepared and issued by Netwealth Investments Limited (ABN 85 090 569 109, AFS Licence No. 230975) in its capacity as the Responsible Entity of the Netwealth Managed Account Service which is a registered managed investment scheme (ARSN 604 930 252).